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Category Archives: Nature Photography

Happy New Year! | San Diego photographer 2014

Happy New Year from sunny San Diego! May all of your dreams come true in 2014! A few images from today: For more of my iPhone 5s photos like this one, follow me on Instagram: Today’s San Diego Sunset photo: Light painting long exposure with my iPhone 5S video light: Follow me on: Pinterest  | facebook…

Blackout San Diego! September 8

Yesterday at 3:39 pm the power went out…Everywhere! 5 million people from Mexico to Orange County and into Arizona lost electricity for up to 12 hours. In the first hours of no power, some people panicked and went to wait in long lines at the grocery stores to buy water and ice, others drove around…

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  • richard barrera

    wow! you are amazing, as are your pics! way to take advantage of the situation, and make some great stuff out of it…ReplyCancel