Proposal & Wedding photography featured posts

Brenda & Jerome’s wedding | Santa Barbara Wine Country | September 25

The laws of attraction will not be denied: 1.Jerome loves wine 2. Jerome met Brenda out wine tasting 3. now Jerome loves Brenda! Of course, there is more to this love story than love of the grape, such as being each other’s “wingman” through thick and thin. Here is the wedding ALBUM SLIDESHOW **click here

After a first look before the ceremony we stopped by LINCOURT in Santa Barbara County to check out their vineyards. Hot couple, Hot day!      Here is the wedding ALBUM SLIDESHOW **click here

The ceremony was at Santa Ynez Inn followed by a relaxed dinner party with heartfelt toasts from family and friends.

Here is the wedding ALBUM SLIDESHOW **click here

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  • Hope Storey

    What a beautiful day. Mark was the perfect pick to help capture
    Brenda and Jerome’s wedding. The pictures capture the love that they have for one another.ReplyCancel

  • Brenda Almquist

    Thank you so much Mark for your artistic eye! The vineyard shots of Jerome and I are exactly what I was hoping to see. I can’t thank you enough for your professionalism and accommodating everyone both Friday and Saturday night – can’t wait to see the rest of the pictures!!ReplyCancel

  • Carole Almquist

    These pictures are beautiful. I am looking forward to seeing the rest of the album. It is going to be difficult to make choices. Brenda and Jerome’s happiness really comes through in your pictures.ReplyCancel

  • Donna Strom

    The pictures are lovely and you did a great job, Mark. I am excited to see the remainder of the pictures. I know it will be hard to select which are “best” because all the pictures in the preview are wonderful. Jerome and Brenda’s day was lovely and your pictures will help all of us remember just how joyous and happy they were on their wedding day and God willing, the rest of their lives.ReplyCancel

  • Christine Spuehler

    Amazing photos! Of course you had perfect subjects. Nice meeting you by the way. How can we order from you?ReplyCancel

  • Wow. You get to photograph all the best venues! Really enjoyed wafting through your blog galleries.ReplyCancel