Proposal & Wedding photography featured posts

Chi Omega UCSD | Class of 2010 | graduation

My friend/Birthday buddy Stephanie, Facebooked me about doing a shoot with a “few girlfriends” down at the beach for graduation. Thanks to Gretchen for helping coordinate everyone, it was a fun shoot!

Congratulations Stephanie and the ladies of Chi Omega!

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  • gretchen

    Thanks Mark! Looks Great!ReplyCancel

  • Hahahaha wooww I look a little crazy guys, my apologies. But the photos are beautiful!!ReplyCancel

  • Alexa Miller

    These came out so much better than I thought they would! I really thought the weather and wind would have a bigger effect but these look great! The laughing one is my favorite so far!ReplyCancel

  • Stephanie

    Hey Mark – Thanks for doing such a nice job and making us look great even in that awful weather. It was a blast and I can’t wait to work with you again in the future!ReplyCancel

  • Sera

    They look really good! Thanks so much Mark!ReplyCancel

  • Ciara Tolentino

    wow, these turned out amazing! thanks again mark for taking these photos!ReplyCancel

  • Marnee

    These look awesome I can’t wait to see the rest! Thanks so much Mark!!ReplyCancel

  • sarah

    oh my! i thought for sure they’d be bad because of the wind but these look great! and Mark you were so patient with all of us 🙂 THANK YOU!ReplyCancel

  • clare

    thank you so much mark!!!ReplyCancel

  • Justine Goldberg

    They photos came out sooo great!!!!ReplyCancel

  • Ashley

    These pictures look fantastic!
    Thanks for changing the shots for the crippled girl 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Natasha

    GREAT JOB! thank you!!!ReplyCancel

  • Glaspy

    So much fun!!!! They looks great. Margo’s face is priceless.ReplyCancel

  • Allison

    Wow! These look sooo good. I’m really excited to see more! 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Lauren

    Looks FANTASTIC — Thanks so much Mark!!ReplyCancel

  • Lauren Ford

    Looks so great, thanks so much!!! you ladies are sooo beautiful!ReplyCancel

  • Jennah

    Thank you soo much Mark, they turned out AMAZING!ReplyCancel

  • Dara

    They’re gorgeous! Thank so much!ReplyCancel

  • Dara

    They’re gorgeous!!!ReplyCancel

  • Gerilyn Slicker

    These look so wonderful! Thank you for all of your patience and hard work!ReplyCancel

  • Melissa

    The pictures are so pretty! Thanks for everything Mark!ReplyCancel