Proposal & Wedding photography featured posts

Marriage Proposal | Rose and Ben | La Jolla California


Ben is a photographer in Pennsylvania so it was an honor when he contacted me about shooting his proposal. Ben wanted all photojournalist, documentary coverage without Rose being aware of my presence throughout the entire shoot; even after he proposed. I was hiding behind trees, cars and pretending to shoot tourists as they walked along the beach in La Jolla Cove. Congratulations Rose & Ben!

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  • Gen Mino

    The Ben and Rose proposal is very touching. Mark, you are really remarkable by your sense of professionalism and absolute creativity.ReplyCancel

  • […] Ben to a woman named Rose, taken in La Jolla, California, by Mark Lenoce and posted on his blog on June 17, 2009. This posting has in captial letters: “SHE SAID YES!”  Advertisement […]ReplyCancel